Terragen terrain download
Terragen terrain download


Es ist einfach, große Pflanzen und Gegenstände, die nach dem Vorbild von anderen Benutzern Terragen oder anderswo im Web zu finden.


Platzieren Sie Gras und Bäumen, wo Sie wollen, als auch andere Objekte im OBJ-Format, das Sie in Software von Drittanbietern modellieren können. Sie können die planetarische Shading-Pipeline zu Ihren Zielen passen zu reorganisieren. Mit Terragen 2 haben Sie vollständigen Kontrolle über die Shader-Netzwerke für Terrains, Texturen, Micropolyon Verschiebungen, Wolken und Objekt-Distributionen benutzt. Sie steuern den Wetter, Flüsse, Seen und Ozeane, Suns, Monde und der Landschaft Sternen. Ganze Welten aus Ihrer Phantasie, erstellen oder Importieren von realen Welt Terrain Datasets und Terragen 2 verwenden, um die realistischsten Visualisierungen möglich erstellen. Terragen ™ 2 ist eine leistungsstarke Lösung für rendering und animieren realistische natürliche Umgebungen. * Animation of almost any parameter with the optional Animation module.Īutomatische Übersetzung EN > DE ausblenden Automatische Übersetzung EN > DE einblenden * Node graph editor for ultimate control over shaders and textures. * High dynamic range output generate photorealistic environment maps and IBL sources. * Production quality anti-aliasing and motion blur that renders quickly and efficiently.

terragen terrain download


* Global illumination, multiple scattering in volumetrics, full light interaction between volumetrics and surfaces. * Volumetric clouds or fast "2.5D" clouds. * Photorealistic atmosphere and sunlight. * 3D painting of colours and masks that can control almost anything in the scene. * Overhanging terrain using procedural displacements, image-based displacements, or imported geometry. * Apply almost "infinite" fractal detail to terrain and other objects. * Procedural terrains that can span an entire planet. * Georeferencing options automatic georeferencing for properly formatted GeoTIFF files. * Add multiple heightfields, textures and displacement maps to your scene. Billions of virtual polygons are handled with ease. * Render millions of plants and other objects using instancing. * Export high resolution objects from displaced surfaces. * Render entire planets, sweeping vistas, tiny rock gardens, or anything in between. * Hybrid micropolygon renderer optimised for large displacements and very large landscapes. Terragen 2 makes this possible with the following features and benefits: If you want to go beyond reality, Terragen 2 is a toolbox with infinite possibilities. When you need CG environments that don't look CG, Terragen 2 will help you get there. Terragen 2 puts those algorithms in your control. We have dedicated more than a decade to specialising in algorithms that simulate skies, outdoor lighting, terrain textures, and to render extremely large and detailed terrains.

terragen terrain download

Nor is it a general-purpose 3D program designed to render everything. Terragen is not a game engine it has a sophisticated film- and broadcast-quality renderer and procedural modelling tools designed so that you can create the most realistic images possible without taking a photograph. It's easy to find great plants and objects modelled by other Terragen users or elsewhere on the web. Place grass and trees wherever you want, as well as other objects in OBJ format that you can model in third party software. You can reorganise the planetary shading pipeline to suit your goals. With Terragen 2 you have complete control over the shader networks used for terrains, textures, micropolyon displacements, clouds and object distributions. You control the weather, landscape, rivers, lakes and oceans, suns, moons and stars. Create entire worlds from your imagination, or import real world terrain datasets and use Terragen 2 to create the most realistic visualisations possible.

terragen terrain download

Terragen™ 2 is a powerful solution for rendering and animating realistic natural environments.

Terragen terrain download